We use React to build rich, interaction-driven experiences on the web. Since 2013, Viget has been using React as our JavaScript (JS) library of choice for building user interfaces due to its component-based design, outstanding performance, and improved developer productivity. In addition to powering many immersive, interactive experiences across our websites and web applications, we've shared a number of React tools and components with the community.
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So much of the work we do, from development all the way through design, is structured around small, focused components organized through composition to form the whole. We love that components and composition are core concepts in React. It fits the way we think about problems and the solutions we craft at every layer of our digital experiences.
We've thrown React at games, editorial content pages, interactive search experiences, surveys, and data visualizations to name a few. We've put React through the wringer and it has proven an effective tool for JS applications both big and small.
We love React and we're invested in its ongoing growth – both in the framework itself and the community around it. We've contributed to React itself and built our own open source tooling around React (like Microcosm). We've shared our knowledge through our blog as well as hosting and speaking at events about React.
Our Thoughts
Introducing Microcosm: Our Data Layer For React
Nate Hunzaker
Controlled / Uncontrolled React Components
Solomon Hawk
Using Microcosm Presenters to Manage Complex Features
David Eisinger
Acceptance Testing React Apps with Jest and Nightmare
Nate Hunzaker
Deep Dive: Building Know Lupus with React.js
Doug Avery
Phoenix and React: A Killer Combo
Eli Fatsi
Want to learn React Native? Start here.
Lawson Kurtz
Building a Multi-Step Registration Form with React
Tommy Marshall
Visualization is for Sharing: Using React for Portable Data Visualization
Nate Hunzaker
Check your Props!
Solomon Hawk