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51–60 of 426 results for color
How to Create Design Concepts in Rapid Fashion
June 23, 2008 - Sometimes you need to get a bunch of ideas in a short amount of time. Its not always easy for one person alone (though easier for some than others). Collaboration is key whether it be collectively or individually within a working group of people. Team design is one of the…
How To: Make The Viget Inspire Author Thumbnails
June 26, 2008 - Since Viget Inspire blog launched, I've received a lot of questions about the little user thumbnails we made for the Viget designers. Is it just a Photoshop filter we slap on carelessly? Are they painstakingly drawn by hand and watercolored over a period of several hours? The…
Simple jQuery Solution To A Simple Problem
July 3, 2008 - When building out the Viget Extend blog, I really wanted to give some special attention to the real meat of the content: the code blocks. After looking at some other dev blogs, it seemed like there were two types: Big Ol' Blocks and Little Snippets. The big ones deserved the…
User Experience Talk at TechStars
July 6, 2008 - I spent the past week in Boulder, Colorado reconnecting with the web / tech / VC community here and spending time at TechStars, the local startup incubator. The highlight of the week had to be Micah's presentation at the Boulder/Denver New Tech Meetup on Tuesday, where he…
How I’m Using Adobe Bridge
July 18, 2008 - When I finally got around to exploring its capabilities, I found that Bridge can do some cool (and very useful) things. It's a speedy visual organizer. And, unlike the version that shipped with CS2, it doesn't seem to steal all my RAM unless it's trying to render thumbnails for…
Getting Moody: A Look at Inspiration and Style in Early Design Techniques
July 21, 2008 - As designers, we often think (read: "know") we have great ideas and intuition coupled with the ability to turn around a design that a client will love. If we love it, then s/he should, too (because it rocks ... or so we think). We can spend hours upon hours leading up to a…
The Sketching Process: Learning From a Cartoonist
August 11, 2008 - When we design user interfaces, we go through a process of whiteboarding and wireframing before we design a full, visual composition. Essentially, we sketch out our work just like a painter or cartoonist or any other artist would. We get the basic ideas down on paper and then…
Breaking Bad Habits in Photoshop
September 1, 2008 - I've been a regular Photoshop user for almost a decade, which makes me feel old. But Photoshop 1.0 came out in 1990 which means some of you were learning to think in Layers while I was listening to NKOTB and wearing slap bracelets. After ten years of Photoshop use you'd think…
Designing Through the Dog Days of Summer
September 4, 2008 - When it comes to designer assignments, our ideal at Viget is to have one designer lead a project from start to finish – and in most cases they do. But the reality is that limited designer availability, summer vacations, or competing priorities have challenged us to find…
Behind The Scenes: Working with PBS on Digital TV
September 27, 2008 - (Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Constraints) "Limitations are the soil from which creativity grows." - Jeffrey Zeldman, 2000 When I heard PBS wanted us to design their educational site about the Digital TV transition, I was a little nervous. After all, this was PBS,…