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401–410 of 426 results for color
What’s in a Word? Building a Verbose Party Game
May 25, 2023 - Our Pointless Palooza team designed and built a word-association game in 48 hours. Here's what we learned (and loved) while doing it.
Creating a Mac-Inspired Dev Environment on Windows with WSL, Hyper, Zsh
September 14, 2023 - Are you a PC user who desires a more aesthetically pleasing, immersive work environment that transcends operating system? This is a step-by-step guide to creating a Mac-inspired development environment on Windows using WSL, Hyper, and Zsh.
Product Strategy & Design
Cybersecurity made easy. Venture-funded cybersecurity startup SnapAttack had an early-stage software product and a solid, yet small customer base. They were ready to grow and looking to bring their expert-level cybersecurity product to mainstream enterprise-level users, but were…
Conf-essions of a Developer: The Biggest Takeaways from Config 2023
June 23, 2023 - Config 2023 went big with its first in-person conference in several years. As a developer who relies on Figma extensively in my daily workflow, I'd like to share some of my initial impressions of the newly announced features.
Why Accessibility Overlays Fall Short
July 11, 2023 - Although accessibility overlays solve some problems, they create plenty too. Why are there so many drawbacks? Hint: most overlay tools simply cannot fix poorly written code and design errors.
Design Systems: Avoiding Common Pitfalls
July 20, 2023 - Although design systems are important, they can introduce pitfalls that negatively impact teams and products. This article highlights some of those pitfalls and possible solutions.
A Case for CSS Columns vs. CSS Grid with Tailwind
August 2, 2023 - With so many layout techniques available using CSS, Columns are often overlooked. This article walks through a scenario where CSS Columns offered a simple yet effective layout solution — even better than Grid.
WordPress Theme Development with ACF Custom Blocks: Part 1
August 17, 2023 - Here's my case for making the switch from Flexible Content fields in Advanced Custom Fields Pro (ACF) to custom Gutenberg blocks (without React!).
Mapbox: Next-Level Mapping
August 15, 2023 - Mapbox stands out as an impressive product, offering a user-friendly API, motion options, and a robust online studio for map styling.
Building Soli: An Intern Journey to Delivering an MVP
August 11, 2023 - Do you need to touch grass? We did, too. So, we built ourselves a solution.