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361–370 of 426 results for color
The Business Case for Accessibility
April 5, 2021 - Prioritizing and improving accessibility – an issue magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic – could far outweigh the cost and liability of ignoring it, and that helps your bottom line.
Welcome to Wondrium
April 27, 2021 - Rebranding The Great Courses for the age of streaming
Get the Most Out of Your Internal Retrospectives
April 12, 2021 - Retrospective meetings are crucial for any project team—agile or not. Do them.
Email Photos to an S3 Bucket with AWS Lambda (with Cropping, in Ruby)
April 7, 2021 - Let's use AWS Lambda to extract photo attachments from an email, crop them, and store them in the cloud
Hiking Apps & Outdoor Safety: A Critique
April 15, 2021 - New hikers are flocking into the backcountry in unprecedented numbers and apps are their tool of choice. Let's take a look at how some of the most downloaded hiking apps help (and hinder) novice outdoor enthusiasts make safe decisions.
Figma Tips For Non-Designers, Part 1: Structure & UI Basics
April 19, 2021 - A quick breakdown to help you hit the ground running in Figma.
Multi-Tenancy in Django
April 20, 2021 - Here's how we implemented multi-tenancy on a recent Python / Django app build. This article describes our approach, shares some code and compares it with an earlier project we did using a different method.
Staying Connected with Glimpsee
April 21, 2021 - Inspired by the game telephone tag, a Viget team spent this year’s Pointless Weekend creating an app to help folks stay connected with friends and family by sharing a photo “glimpse” into their lives.
Figma Tips For Non-Designers, Part 2: Components, Styles, Frames and More
April 26, 2021 - Not sure where to get started? I'll walk you through the most-used features in Figma.
How to Keep Sprint Planning Efficient
May 7, 2021 - With a fast-moving project, carving out time for extensive sprint planning meetings can be a challenge. Here's how we keep our process as efficient as possible for one of our large product development projects.