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161–170 of 426 results for color
Large Images in Rails
September 18, 2012 - The most visually striking feature on the new WWF site, as well as the source of the largest technical challenges, is the photography. The client team is working with gorgeous, high-fidelity photographs loaded with metadata, and it was up to us to make them work in a web…
Manage Common Design Elements using Photoshop Variables
October 2, 2012 - In the past I wrote about a method of linking files to a single smart object. As hard as I tried to make it work, this method never gained traction in my day-to-day workflow because it felt messy and unintuitive. I dropped the whole idea for a while until a recent project came…
10 Astounding Mobile Stats and The 3 Mobile Trends To Watch
October 3, 2012 - While mobile devices have been around for years, 2012 seems like the year that designing web sites for mobile users has gone mainstream. New solutions to address mobile users such as responsive design - that weren’t even part of the lexicon a year ago - are being adopted…
Responsive Design, An Overview
December 7, 2012 - Part of what I do at Viget includes talking with potential clients about projects we might work on together. I interact with people who range from having limited basic web knowledge to advanced technical backgrounds. When we write proposals, we often also have to account for a…
How to Visualize Your Site as a Treemap
December 13, 2012 - Early into a content audit a few weeks ago, I wanted to visualize the website in conjunction with pageview data. I suspected that the site had a few isolated hotspots of activity and some large dormant areas, but I wanted more certainty. I also wanted a visceral sense of where…
Mailbag: Do you still use Photoshop mock-ups?
January 2, 2013 - Every now and then we are asked great questions through the Viget contact form. Sometimes the questions are worth responding to publicly through our blogs. This one comes to us from Anthony. [Anthony]: I just wanted to ask you guys what you thought about the idea of…
Updated Omnigraffle Stencil for Bootstrap v2.2
January 3, 2013 - In February of 2012, Elliott meticulously built and released an Omnigraffle stencil for Twitter Bootstrap 2. Like Bootstrap itself, Elliott's stencil was exhaustive and popular. His announcement ranks among the most visited posts all-time on Viget's Inspire blog. Internally,…
Who Says the Web is Just for Squares?
January 8, 2013 - With the continued adoption of advanced CSS by browsers, we are starting to have the ability to do more and more using just CSS. As we have seen, you can make all kinds of crazy shapes with only CSS. On a recent client project, the designer challenged me with a grid of…
Preventing Interface-Induced Backbone.sync Firestorms
February 26, 2013 - Draggable controls raise an interesting challenge when Backbone.Views share a common model. Such controls include colorpickers, slides, and positionable elements. When users move around a color wheel or acutely adjust the position of an element, change events should…
Building a Traffic Heatmap with Google Analytics and R
May 14, 2013 - For all of the reporting power that Google Analytics provides, occasionally I want to see data in a way it doesn’t natively support. Most recently, I was interested in understanding hourly and daily shifts in traffic across sections of a site. Knowing when these occur could help…