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131–140 of 426 results for color
Designing Vigegram: A Handmade Project
January 28, 2011 - Each year, Viget joins together around the holidays to create something completely different. We do a project that is almost entirely hand-made and non-web. This year's gift was called Vigegram, a sort of spin off of your old-fashioned telegram, with a twist. If you didn't get…
Designing for Facebook: the MyBand Application Redesign
February 3, 2011 - Viget doesn't just do web sites -- we also design all sorts of other cool products and applications, from mobile to Facebook. As an example, we worked with ReverbNation, a start-up that's become one of the biggest musician sites on the web, to redesign the user interface for its…
Handing Off PSDs That Won’t Make Your Co-Workers Hate You
February 4, 2011 - Once upon a time, I worked as a humble barista in a cafe. For those who have not had the privilege of working in the glamorous world of the foodservice industry, let me explain a little about one of the processes. There was a closing shift and an opening shift. Closers were…
Critiquing Design With Designers
February 15, 2011 - A little while back I wrote an article about critiquing with non-designers, which might be better described as "cross-disciplinary critiques." As many designers know, the art of critique is difficult to master but important if you want to get the most out of your designs. At…
My New Best Friend: CSS Generated Content
March 3, 2011 - I’ve become obsessed with generated content lately. In an effort to use fewer and fewer images, I’ve started to use generated content more since more browsers support it (IE8+, FF3+, Safari 4+, Chrome 4+). The following are a couple of examples I have built for a project to…
39 Ridiculous Things To Do With CSS3 Box Shadows
April 20, 2011 - Box-shadow is a pretty powerful property in modern browsers. With just six little values, you can make some really neat stuff. How much neat stuff, you ask? To find out, I set a little time aside each day to play with it. The result is 39 ridiculous little experiments that, due…
Internet Explorer, Transparent PNGs, and jQuery Animation: The Black Background Issue Solved
June 7, 2011 - This is an issue I ran into a few months ago. I couldn't find much documentation around this on the interwebs, so I thought I'd post my findings here. Hope this helps a few people out. I was working on a project where I was animating the opacity and position of transparent…
Photoshop Masking Tips
July 6, 2011 - The work that I've been doing recently has required quite a bit (read: tons and tons) of masking in Photoshop. While working through the images and trying to improve efficiency along the way, I've picked up a few useful methods that I'd like to share because they've been helpful…
Stop Making Sprites (Compass, Sass, and PNG Sprite Generation)
July 20, 2011 - Update 01/11/12: new code at the bottom of this post. Sass has been kicking around for a while, but I hadn’t given it a try until just recently. Sass usually goes hand-in-hand with Rails, Compass makes it so easy to run Sass on standalone projects that I’ve…
TTT: Hiking, Golfing, and Climbing our way through Q2
August 3, 2011 - The tradition of TTT continues at Viget this Summer. With the focus of becoming a healthier company, we decided to get off our bums and go outside, swing clubs, and climb walls. Before the fun, each office got together for our Progress Quarterly meeting where Brian and Andy…