September 27, 2017

Let’s Talk About:

The Art of the Demo

Apple’s latest round of announcements drew attention once again to the product demo: the glossy, rehearsed, and, yes, sometimes glitchy act of showing how a new thing works in real time.

At Viget, we’re constantly sharing new things we’ve built with team members, project stakeholders, and prospective clients. These aren’t “big reveals” that lift the curtain on months of work done in isolation. Instead, we often demonstrate in-progress work for the purpose of collaboration, testing, and feedback.

So what makes for a great product demo? Having a game plan, knowing your audience, and setting realistic expectations are good places to start. And for those unforeseeable technical glitches? Well, it doesn’t hurt to have a backup plan, just in case.

Read About Step Up Your Demo Game

Community Thoughts on The Art of the Demo...

  1. 1. Death of the Big Reveal “The big reveal is changing because there is no (real) launch moment. We’re pushing things out into the world and constantly monitoring, maintaining, analyzing and then pushing them back through the strategy and creative process to make them better.”
  2. 2. Sharing Our Work: Testing and Feedback in Design “When I was a younger, less experienced designer, I was uncomfortable showing work that wasn’t “done.” I thought that design was something I should show only in its glorious, final state.”
  3. 3. The Art of Presenting Creative Work “Presenting design work incorrectly can create a vacuum for clients to provide misdirected or overly prescriptive feedback, which in turn leads to subpar final work.”

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