Newsletter September 11, 2019

Let’s Talk About:

Mobile AR

By Prayash Thapa, Former Developer

The rise of spatial computing in recent years has led to a boom in AR, VR, and MR technologies, but has left many disappointed due to its slow adoption rate. New paradigms of computing are rarely enough to drive adoption, but considering the technology is already available in the phones in our pockets, many companies are looking to integrate AR experiences into their offerings. Whether to support e-commerce operations, or to create unique branding and marketing experiences, it’s undeniable that mobile AR is gaining traction. The tools and frameworks for building robust AR content are only getting easier with Apple and Google integrating key spatial features into their SDKs. We can expect mobile AR to keep evolving over the next few years.

See What We Built

Articles We Love

  1. 1. AR Will Spark the Next Big Tech Platform—Call It Mirrorworld The mirrorworld doesn’t yet fully exist, but it is coming. Someday soon, every place and thing in the real world—every street, lamppost, building, and room—will have its full-size digital twin in the mirrorworld. For now, only tiny patches of the mirrorworld are visible through AR headsets. Piece by piece, these virtual fragments are being stitched together to form a shared, persistent place that will parallel the real world.
  2. 2. Creating AR apps in Unity: the latest tips and resources With AR Foundation and the software architecture it leverages, Unity developers now have a common API which supports core functionality for ARCore, ARKit, and future platforms. ARCore and ARKit each offer a mix platform-unique features, as well as common ones. With AR Foundation and the platform-specific SDKs, you have everything you need in Unity to author AR content, plus and an expanding collection of in-depth learning resources.
  3. 3. Designing for Augmented Reality on Mobile Augmented reality is a digital extension of product design. The same principles of thinking apply with a few modifications. Rather than having physical constraints, the user now has technological constraints and affordances.

What We’re Up To

Shl mobile mocks

We transformed SHL’s flagship product into an engaging, modern experience for their one million+ annual international users.

Em Ax Throwing

We just held our Summer TTT event. No one was injured in the taking of this photo.

Intern Kayla

We said g'bye to our summer interns and we welcome fall apprentices this month!

Custom UI Table View Cell Separator Icon

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Related Articles From Us

  1. Cross-platform Augmented Reality with Unity

  2. Who Will Serve Us Content in the Mirrorworld?

  3. Product Modernization

    See how we created a fresh, engaging experience for SHL’s flagship product, rooted in user insights.


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