Newsletter April 14, 2022

Let’s Talk About:

Experimentation and Optimization

By Becky Radnaev, Former Content Strategist

When we started working with Ad Council on their COVID-19 vaccines education campaign in the middle of the pandemic, time was of the essence. Vaccines weren’t yet available to the general public, and hesitancy levels were soaring. We couldn’t let perfect be the enemy of good – so we launched an MVP site that provided factual answers backed by the CDC to common vaccine questions. For months afterward, we continued to flesh out the content and iterate on the design in response to usability testing, analytics, and the evolving public health situation.

It can be tempting — especially for large-scale website redesigns — to want to put a “finished” site out into the world. But there’s really no such thing. A website is an eternal work-in-progress and we should expect to have to keep testing, measuring, optimizing, and maintaining. While the launch is always an important milestone, in many ways it’s afterward that the adventure really begins.

Your Website is Never Done

Articles We Love

  1. 1. Iteration Inspiration: How Relentless Improvement Ships Stickier Features Faster “If your team adds iterative design to your process, we can’t guarantee you’ll achieve perfection. In fact, we hope you fail. Because in failing, you’re better able to see where you need to improve — and you can get there faster because you know what doesn’t work.”
  2. 2. Fractal Creativity “Design maturity isn’t just about knowing which branches to kill, and which to zoom in on. It’s about knowing when to zoom out.”
  3. 3. The art of content testing and measurement “Content testing is an ongoing, living challenge that any design team should engage with—both during the design stage, and then after any content has been implemented.”

What We’re Up To

Point Corp

We recently held our annual Pointless Week, when we divvy into teams to stretch our skills by developing a non-client project. Read about one of our 2022 Pointless Projects.

Zach HQ 0786

How much should a website cost? Business Development Director Zach Robbins differentiates a $50 website from a $5,000,000 one in his latest article.

Featured Ad Council Image

Read our case study of the COVID-19 education initiative with Ad Council. provides essential information supported by the CDC.

Wednesday Walks

We're embracing springtime weather with our #WalkableWednesday initiative. Want to join us on our next Wednesday jaunt? We're hiring!


Some of the best Viget employees started off as Viget newsletter subscribers. Do any of our open roles sound like a fit? We'd love to hear from you, and the talented folks in your network.

Contact Us

We help transform organizations with modernized software and optimized digital experiences. If you’re looking to build or improve a digital product, contact us.

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