October 6, 2016

Let’s Talk About:

Design Tools from Viget

We’ve written before about how much the developers at Viget love open source, but we don’t talk as much about the wonderful design tools we’ve shared over the years. In the same spirit as the open source code community, we’ve been inspired by many companies and individuals who have shared invaluable tools with us.

As longtime Omnigraffle fans, we used Konigi’s UX stencils for years. We still use sketch templates inspired by those shared by Adaptive Path. Considering how much those tools have helped us, we’ve tried to share our own tools with the community. There are Photoshop swatch templates to help you keep your palettes organized. Of course, we’re still big fans of Omnigraffle, and you can grab our Material Design and Bootstrap stencils for yourself.

We think Adobe CC and Sketch are pretty neat, too, and you can find a number of amazing free stencils for both below. (Not to mention a handy set of free sketch templates.)

Design Tools at code.viget.com

Community Thoughts on Design Tools from Viget...

  1. 1. Material Design Sticker Sheets & Icons Google provides free Material Design sticker sheets and icons for Sketch and Adobe CC
  2. 2. iOS 9 UI Following in the footsteps of Teehan + Lax, Facebook provides free iOS templates for Photoshop and Sketch
  3. 3. Stenciltown We love Omnigraffle, and we love the Stenciltown stencil repository from Omni Group
  4. 4. Interface Sketch Interface Sketch provides free sketch templates for web projects and a number of mobile devices

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