Intro and Landing Page Best Practices
Anjali McKenzie, Former UX Researcher
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I'm just wrapping up my third week here at Viget and it's been great so far. I've met several people, gotten ramped up on clients and projects, and most importantly learned a TON. In addition to passing the Google Advertising Professionals (GAP) exam, I’ve been reviewing effective landing page strategies. After all, a landing page can, and oftentimes is, the first page a visitor sees when they click on a paid ad or link from an email. This page is customized to fit the specific call-to-action of the said ad or link. Effective landing pages include elements of strategy, optimization, and design; and each of these elements play a part in driving the visitor to take a certain action. I compiled a list of my own best practices, and below I've listed a summary of each. Check them out and let me know what you think.
1. Direct your target audiences to the next step in the conversion funnel.
- It must instantly communicate purpose of page, grab attention, and encourage viewers to stay.
2. Keep Designs Simple.
- Do not use standard webpage navigation (this primarily means your typical nav. bars at the top and bottom of a page), it might distract visitors from the main goal.
- Do include elements of your homepage (except the standard navigation of course), like texts, graphics, and imagery so visitors know that they are in the right place.
- Use images that portray the biggest benefit your product or service offers and/or use images that relate specifically to what you offer.
- State the strongest benefit that your product offers in your main headline. As the first thing a visitor sees, your headline serves as the biggest opportunity for improvements in conversion rate.
- Make the main copy brief and easy to read; use bulleted lists (for easier readability) to highlight your benefits from strongest to weakest.
- Put your call-to-action above the fold, focus on your primary objective, and make links as clear as possible.
3. Optimize your page to make it SEO/PPC friendly.
- Relate your page directly to search terms; match specific keywords – this not only includes copy but also images and call-to-action phrases that match those of PPC ads.
4. Test multiple pages.
- Create multiple landing pages to target different customer segments.
- Keep them live for enough time to gather measurable results.
5. Measure results by using various tools to gauge traffic.
- Google Analytics is a great way to track several metrics such as goals, conversions, time on page, bounce rate, etc.
That's all, short and sweet - a brief summary of my recommended best practices. If you have anything to add, designers and marketers alike, feel free to comment below!