Google Analytics API Now Open For Business
Josh Chambers, Former Viget
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Surpisingly, the post I wrote "Google Analytics just got WAY Better - API, Segments & Reports" still gets a lot of traffic. Weird, eh? Don't get me wrong; it's a mind blowing post ... but I didn't think it would have the longevity it has had. You know where the traffic is coming from? People searching and hoping for info on the Google Analytics API.
Well, good news! The private beta is no longer private.
I'm stoked that the Google Analytics API is finally open to the public (check out the full GA article for instructions and additional info). We're able to talk about it, blog about it, answer questions about it, and use it as a service for our clients!
As Google Analytics Authorized Consultants (GAAC), we were fortunate to be part of the private beta, and we've been working on a few apps internally that I'm excited to share with you down the road. Our first app isn't super sexy, but it's going to be awesome. It's designed to allow for more flexible reporting, easier data mashups, reports based on queries, and making the data compilation more efficient; thus, allowing more time for what really matters: human analysis.
Still, I'm curious why visitors to our site were searching for the GA API. Were you one of them? What problems are you trying to solve with API? Why are you excited about the API (things to never share at a party)?
Check out Tony's post about how we're accessing the API using Ruby: Introducing Garb: Access the Google Analytics Data Export API with Ruby
That is all.