Values of the Viget Dev Team

Eli Fatsi, Former Development Director

Article Categories: #News & Culture, #Back-end Engineering

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The development team assembled their thoughts on the team's core values. And here they are.

Every 6 months, the development team here at Viget gathers in some remote location to ensure our ship is heading the right direction. The tradition began nearly 7 years ago, and through all of the team's highs and lows, our bi-annual offsite has always been a consistent source of positivity. It has served as one of the most valuable facets of being a member of this team.

There are a number of activities we run through as a group, and most recently, we spent a few minutes assembling our thoughts around the core values underlying our team. Everyone took five minutes, a couple of Post-It notes, and came up with their top three. We threw the batch on the wall and then mostly nodded our heads collectively.


To very little surprise, there were similarities all over the place. I'll touch on some of the high level themes that ran through the group's results.

Quality #

"High quality code", "well-tested code", "quality work", "writing good software". We value and expect quality work out of everyone on our team. This perpetual desire for quality is one of the reasons we feel good about the work that we're doing. It gives more junior members goals to strive towards, and it keeps the flame lit for our senior members to stay sharp. As the industry changes and technologies fade in and out of the limelight, our foundation of critical thinking and quality development ensures we're always able to provide top-notch services to our clients.

Cultivating knowledge #

"Support one another", "teaching/learning", "learning/collaborating", "inner-team support", "sharing mistakes", "working together". Behind quality, supporting each other professionally took the most votes. I personally have benefited immensely from this team value as Viget has fostered the vast majority of my professional career. Now, as a senior member of the team, I look forward to bringing up and working closely with my peers in the pursuit of, you guessed it, quality.

People #

"Being good people", "be useful", "honesty", "being respectful". No one likes working with a bunch of jerks, and being a team of mostly introverted developers who all think typing away in a lonely room for hours at a time is a decent way to spend a day, the stereotype is certainly there to shake. We like to think that our people skills are up there with our technical ones, however, and aim to foster a positive culture to work with and within.

So... #

There's the Viget dev team in a nutshell. Sound like a place you think you would thrive in? We're always on the lookout for Viget's next great developer.

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