Squidoo Wins at SXSW!
Congratulations to Squidoo, winners in the Community category at the 2007 South by Southwest web awards. This category honors "sites and wikis that have quickly developed an extraordinarily active multi-user community and an exceptional following of users who assist with content development." The awards ceremony (hosted hilariously by zefrank) was a blast and showed off a lot of great sites. We were thrilled to hear Squidoo called to the stage, and Gil and Corey (holding the award with me afterward in this photo) were really excited. To no one's surprise, Gil (on the left) was a bit more mic-friendly than his fellow squid as they accepted the award. Our team built the initial Squidoo platform, and we're honored to share it. Thanks to everyone at SXSW for putting together an impressive event. Update: check out posts from Corey, Seth (explaining why he didn't make the trip to Austin), and Megan on the Squidblog.