Getting (And Staying) Motivated to Code

David Eisinger, VP of Development

Article Category: #Code

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When you’re working on code written by another programmer — whether a coworker, open source contributor, or (worst of all) yourself from six months ago — it’s all too easy to get frustrated and fall into an unproductive state. The following are some ways I’ve found to overcome this apprehension and get down to business.

Tiny Improvements, Tiny Commits

When confronted with a sprawling, outdated codebase, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. To get started, I suggest making a tiny improvement. Add a named scoped. Use a more advanced enumerable method. And, as soon as you’ve finished, commit it. Committing feels great and really hammers home that you’ve accomplished something of value. Additionally, committing increases momentum and gives you the courage to take on larger changes.

Make a List

In Getting Things Done, David Allen says,

You’ll invariably feel a relieving of pressure about anything you have a commitment to change or do, when you decide on the very next physical action required to move it forward.

I like to take it a step further: envision the program as I want it to be, and then list the steps it will take to get there. Even though the list will change substantially along the way, having a path and a destination removes a lot of the anxiety of working with unfamiliar code.

To manage such lists, I love Things, but a piece of paper works just as well.

Delete Something

As projects grow and requirements change, a lot of code outlives its usefulness; but it sticks around anyway because, on the surface, its presence isn’t hurting anything. I’m sure you’ve encountered this — hell, I’m sure you’ve got extraneous code in your current project. When confronted with such code, delete it. Deleting unused code increases readability, decreases the likelihood of bugs, and adds to your understanding of the remaining code. But those reasons aside, it feels great. If I suspect a method isn’t being used anywhere, I’ll do

grep -lir "method_name" app/

to find all the places where the method name occurs.

Stake your Claim

On one project, I couldn’t do any feature development — or even make any commits — until I’d rewritten the entire test suite to use Shoulda. It was mentally draining work and took much longer than it shoulda (see what I did there?). If you need to add functionality to one specific piece of the site, take the time to address those classes and call it a victory. You don’t have to fix everything at once, and it’s much easier to bring code up to speed one class at a time. With every improvement you make, your sense of ownership over the codebase will increase and so will your motivation.

In Closing

As Rails moves from an upstart framework to an established technology, the number of legacy projects will only increase. But even outside the scope of Rails development, or working with legacy code at all, I think maintaining motivation is the biggest challenge we face as developers. I’d love to hear your tips for getting and staying motivated to code.

David Eisinger

David is Viget's VP of Development. From our Durham, NC, office, he builds high-quality, forward-thinking software for PUMA, the World Wildlife Fund, NFLPA, and many others.

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