Introducing Me and “Under the Hood”
Jen Krupey, Former Viget
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So… I’ve been busy my first month at Viget. As the new marketing services director, I’ve spent a lot of time learning from colleagues, meeting new people, redefining our marketing services, and working with a wide range of clients. Like everyone else, I wish there were more hours in the day. There’s always someone else I could call, an email I could have sent, a blog post to write, or cool tool to check out.
One of the many things I’ve learned this past month is if you’ve got something to say, blog. So in talking with the team, we decided to continue sharing what we’re learning in a more regular format. It’s about giving other online marketers a peek at what’s working (and what's not), and our take on "why." We’re calling it “Under The Hood” because, just like any well-maintained car, there’s a certain amount of maintenance required for true marketing success. And good marketers will tell you there’s always an opportunity for some fine tuning and performance enhancements.
What makes this different from other online marketing blog, agency, or self-appointed expert who share vast amount of knowledge or expertise? Viget has a different history and approach to marketing, which means we bring a unique perspective. Sometimes that makes us unconventional and innovative. Sometimes that makes us naive and misguided. Regardless, we’re always honest and we believe in sharing. So, here’s a little “Under The Hood” to start:
Unlike a lot of online marketing shops, Viget is rooted in software development. It’s the late 1990’s concept of two guys (and a gal) in a garage. Nearly 10 years later, our business has evolved -- just like the Internet -- but it’s our past that has influenced who we’ve become and where we’re going. Like my mom always says, “Don’t forget your roots.” And Viget hasn’t.
- Online marketing won’t do you any good if you’re sending folks to a busted web site where they have a bad experience. They’ll leave. They won’t click-through, purchase, or sign up for anything.
- To stay ahead of the ever-changing online environment, you must embrace change. Technology is your friend. Don’t run; engage.
- Just like our technical teams embrace Agile development, our marketing team subscribes to the belief that marketing solutions should be collaborative, flexible, and adaptable. And of course, measurable.
I’m committed to fine-tuning our marketing efforts and to sharing what we learn along our journey with those who want to listen. I’m hoping it will be a fun ride and something we’ll all benefit from.
p.s. I’m also committed to shorter blog posts.