Founders Welcoming Business Partners

Brian Williams, Co-Founder & CEO

Article Category: #News & Culture

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We are thrilled to welcome Zach, Kelly, and Emily as partners at Viget. For more than half of our near-25 year history, they've been key leaders and will continue to shape our future going forward.

When Viget was founded in 1999, Andy and I used the title “Founding Partner.” We were founders of the business and also committed business partners. Within a couple of years, we switched to more specific titles: Co-Founder and President (Andy) and Co-Founder and CEO (me), but “business partners” was always the key structure.

We divided responsibilities of leadership, delivery, and operations in ways that optimized our different strengths and weaknesses. Key decision making has always been a collaborative process, with healthy debate between the two of us. I know some incredible solo entrepreneurs, but for us, having a partner to lean on, leverage, and grow with has been not only rewarding, it’s been essential to Viget’s longevity and success.

Also key to our success has been a founding principle of hiring incredible people who share our values and vision, value longevity and lasting relationships, and take pride in their work and careers. As they’ve joined, we’ve shared the opportunities and responsibilities that come with running a healthy business. Empowering others to lead key parts of Viget has taken us further than we’d ever gone otherwise.

Being owners and partners in the business has always been a privilege, an honor, and, at times, a stressful burden. When things go well – clients are happy, the team is gelling, the finances are solid – I’m filled with pride, satisfaction, and calm. When things aren’t going well – projects are sideways, turnover seems contagious, and the metrics point in the wrong direction – I’m filled with anxiety, frustration, and self-doubt. In either scenario, having a partner to navigate the waters with has been vital.

In recent years, three key areas of our business have matured thanks to the overall strength of our team and especially strong leadership. Our sales and marketing systems, tools, and strategies have fed a much more predictable revenue engine with great clients. Our client delivery processes and best practices have helped us consistently deliver value for our clients with more clarity, less risk, and better results. Finally, through some very challenging years in our industry, our culture has grown stronger and more adaptable, still centered on meaningful human connections at the core.

These three business areas have been led by Zach Robbins (sales and marketing), Kelly Kenny (delivery), and Emily Bloom (culture). They are the pillars upon which all other aspects of the business are built. These leaders have truly grown up with the business, having joined more than 13, 14, and 17 years ago, respectively. Their impact first as individual contributors, then managers, and eventually strategic leaders has been immeasurable.

Viget is coming up on a major milestone: we’ll soon eclipse 25 years since our founding on December 27, 1999. As Andy and I looked out at the next decade and beyond of our business, expanding our partnership became a clear goal. Embracing additional partners to not just lead their area of the business but to weigh in on all major decisions would help Viget continue to mature into the business we believe it can be. We saw an opportunity to invite others into the deep water of business partnership – the good, bad, and ugly – so that our shared decision making can be sharper, more insightful, and more strategic in the years to come.

At our fall retreat last week, we announced that we're welcoming Emily, Zach, and Kelly as partners at Viget. They’ve each been here for more than half of Viget’s history, each shaping Viget into what it is today. As partners, they’ll have even more influence as we take Viget into our second quarter century and beyond.

Brian Williams

Brian is Viget's co-founder and CEO. He does everything from advising our clients to building our conference tables with his bare hands in our Falls Church, VA, HQ.

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